Museum Studio travel grantees are now announced!
The selection process of the Museum Studio travel grantees to take part in the EMYA2024 Annual Conference and Awards Ceremony is now finalised and the list of this year's grantees is announced.
Laura Jamsa, Curator, Kalamaja Museum, EMYA2024 Nominee, Estonia
Lana Karaia, EMF National Correspondent, Georgia
Vera Yarilina, Sachsenhausen Museum, Germany
Joanna Michalska-Iwankiewicz, Mazovia Museum in Płock, Poland
Milena Chorna, Museum professional previously engaged with the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War, EMYA2024 Nominee, Ukraine
Yurri Savchuk, National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War, EMYA2024 Nominee, Ukraine
Yuliya Vaganova, Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko Național Museum of Arts, EMYA2024 Nominee, Ukraine
Sonia Solicari, Director, Museum of the Home, EMYA2024 Nominee, United Kingdom
The closing date for applications was Wednesday, 27 March 2024.
We thank the Museum Studio for its generous support and to our grantees for joining us in celebrating the EMYA2024 Annual Conference and Awards Ceremony in Portimão from 01 to 04 May 2024.
Please stay tuned for our future announcements on travel grants for EMYA2025.
Since 2017, the Museum Studio has been offering each year approximately 6 travel bursaries (previously known as the Event Travel Grants), that are awarded to individuals belonging to the following categories:
Staff of museums nominated for EMYA2024 who would otherwise be unable to attend.
Emerging museum professionals – the next generation of innovators.
EMF National Correspondents
To read the testimonials by the 2024 grantees please visit here.

How to apply
Applicants are expected to send an informal letter of application, in addition to a CV, as an email attachment to Pedro Branco, EMF Administrator, at The letter should be addressed to the Selection Committee and not exceed one printed page, telling us about your motivation for applying and describing what the bursary would mean to you.
The grants are awarded by a Selection Committee that includes representatives of Museum Studio, EMF Board of Trustees and EMYA Jury.
The travel grants are not accountable: it is up to a grantee whether the money is spent for travel, accommodation, or participation fee (early-bird registration fee is applied). No financial report is required; however, the winners of travel grants are requested to complete a short article (300-500 words) on the event, describing what they got out of attending EMYA, which we can be used on our website.
The winners of the travel grants shall attend, in person, the annual conference and awards ceremony for the whole time of the duration of these events. In the case of a failure to attend the conference, the grant will not be paid by the EMF to the grantee and will be given over to the next person on the selection list.